Mar 30, 2013

Some popular youtubers

OK, so I'm talking about some short webseries/webTV on youtube. The popular ones of course, not all of them since I don't dig this thing but I've seen a few of them so far.

First, I'd like to say that is a nice alternative to TV, those initiatives are encouraging in themselves.
Usually they keep it light hearted and fun. Depending on the ethnic group, it can sound sappy or street crowd friendly.

There's one annoying one (to me), he basically always starts his vlogs with the same high pitch loud voice. He often gives advice in a comedic way, though he does it with a WTF message that can get judgemental sometimes. I just can't get into his videos. His topics are always safe and "easy" anyway, he's not really taking any risk by expressing himself on them and is not bringing something new on the table. I must give him props for rocking his comedian persona that well, I think it's that persona that makes him that popular on youtube (millions of views on average) as well as his occasional "cussing" and American "inner-city" language. It's cool to show that you're confident with yourself in order to deliver your message more efficiently, right.
But I just can't with him, yelling at us, speaking as fast as a rapper, repeating the same formula again and again, making fun of people...nah. I tried to get used to him, believe me lol, I've watched more than 15 videos of him (and he has over 100 vids) but...nah. it's not because of his appearance, I consider myself open-minded about it and I'm glad he's doing his thing no matter what people might think of him. But I'm tired of his fat jokes about himself, I never found them funny to begin with. I mean, OK, I understand why you feel the need to make fun of youself sometimes as you're often doing it with other people, but at least do it on other aspects of your personality...not just "that flaw". It's good to have self-awareness and show that you embrace your so-called "flaw" before calling out people on their shit but hey, c'mon, be smart about it, ya know.

Now, next youtuber. It feels like an ethnic community vlog, they make videos of stories, one-shots or short series with a certain ethnic group being mainly represented, and I'm all for that, as an ethnic minority myself, I support that, TV ain't doing shit for us anyway. So I'm not criticizing that at all. My point is the sappiness and clean/teenage-friendly vibe and it's something you'd totally see on Disney channel. I'm a woman in my mid 20s, and I'm not very interested in seeing overly mainstream stuff on youtube, I can do it on TV. Their videos are boring and cutesy, that's it. I only started to watch them because the cast wasn't mainly white, which is refreshing. I understand that all kinds of people watch their videos, from 10 year-olds to people who aren't a part of the same ethnic group as them to people who are very judgemental or conservative. However, you can never please everyone, and it's true because I'm not pleased lol They target mainstream viewers, and their goal is to make entertaining, light-hearted and cute videos in order to endear people and keep a large viewer base. The more views, the more they'll get paid via videos' ads. Basically, tell people what they want, what they already know is good and don't make them uncomfortable by any means. Be safe all the time. I can't with that. There's no diversity in their topics, it's all about cute, young love with cute girls and boys, with once in a while some cute awkward fiction. Now, I'm not expecting them to have an incredible production, awesome scenarios or impressing acting, nope! Nope at all, I know it's a web series and vlog thing, and I take it for what it is. I'm wondering what is the point besides giving your own people a voice via amateur entertainment. The point as in...what do you want to say? What is different with you?
I know, I know, yall going to say: "if you're not satisfied with it, then create your own". I won't. Because I don't have what it takes to do it. I ain't gonna start something if I can't do it right. But as a blogger, I don't see why I can't say my opinion on some things. If some people consider me as a hater, so be it.

So yeah, in conclusion these videos are popular for a reason, and I'm OK with looking for different content from other youtubers out there. I know a handful of insightful youtubers and I happily subcribed to them.

I could say a little more but my post is already long. Disclaimer: I was not talking about random, personal vlogs!! I was only talking about those with a production that is film-oriented or standup-oriented. Anyone can upload a vlog about their life or opinion about whatever they like or hate, but I'm not talking about that here.

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