This was a very insensitive remark from a doctor, I don't like it. That and making the girl look like an immature and spoiled drama queen who just got heartbroken. Suicide is a serious issue in Japan, there have the highest (or close to that) rate of suicides in the world. Writting such a script is ridiculous and insensitive. I mean, their high suicide rate isn't all about mere heartbreaks, this is obvious. Why not talking about the more serious issues of the nation, right?
The collective spirit tend to prevail over the individual, especially in Japan it seems, which means individuals should think about the comfort of the group before their own. The thing is, it is impossible to not bother people. Impossible. Where can she die without bothering people ? In her appartment ? She'll make it hard for the landlord to sell it later. In the street ? She'll shock random people. Our mere own existence bothers those around us to an extent. If people really valued life and are against suicide, they would be more empathetic to depressive and suicidal people in order to listen to them and make them feel heard and non judged.